Valleyview Bus Times

Valleyview Bus Schedule guideline

Bus #Area Serviced Arrive at VSS Depart from VSS
A0733 Valleyview / RLC 7:43am  3:17pm
23732 Rocky Point  7:57am  3:23pm
A5730 Rosehill  8:12am  3:15pm
A5737 Barnhartvale 8:00am 3:20pm
A5737 Juniper  8:24am  3:05pm
A5738 Dallas  7:50am  3:15pm
A5739 Monte Lake  8:10am  3:20pm
23733 Cement Plant  7:56am  3:25pm
23733 Juniper  8:15am  3:07pm
17732 Westwold 7:57am  3:19pm
18731 Paul Lake  8:05am  3:06pm
21737 TK'emlups 8:06am 3:06pm
21738 Dallas / Barnhartvale 7:40am/8:12am 3:18pm
A3737 Barnhartvale 8:00am 3:24pm
A3737 Juniper 8:17am 3:05pm
A9732 Juniper /SKSS / VSS 8:23am



A7731 Juniper West Galore 7:49am 3:20pm
23730 Juniper West Qu'Appelle 7:47am 3:20pm
  Special Needs Runs    
A3731   8:36am 1:45pm

Should you have any questions regarding the Bus times please call 250-372-5853 or visit Transportation.

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